Phillip “Doktuh FEEL” Chukwu

I WILL WRITE A PRAYER - Phillip “Doktuh FEEL” Chukwu (worthy of mention)

Right now. I decide to write now. Just write. Write a poem. A story. My story. Write wrongs. Right wrongs on paper and see what's left of the ache in my heart.

I will write a prayer.
In this book I am me. No other persona
Just me. This loner
friend to many, but friends are funny
but at least they are not lovers
leavers-in-throes who
genuinely love you
prove it with all their being
as long as milk and honey flow
and the promised land still looks green

Our hallelujahs will be loud
and not quivering unless
we choose to impress
the source with our vibratoes

This is a prayer
the effectual fervent prayer
of the righteous makes them
into kinetic atoms, but the prayer
of a sinner is an abomination
unto the long-suffering Father
of everlasting lights

I become the bird of the air
I will not worry for what I shall eat
or drink today
I will be greater than John the Baptist
I will survive on Kulikuli
and Garri and I will give glory
to the Many-breasted One

I am in an attitude
of worship and thanksgiving
I am glad. Sadness is not
my strong suit. I should have plenty
to worry about if I really
really think about it. My daughter's
first birthday is tomorrow
and I have not a dime
to my name. But I will not end a sentence without another hallelujah!

I will say to this mountain
of money "Come hither!"
and I will have what I say
because I believe in the Sun
of Righteousness who arrays
the lillies of the fields
Nnennaya will be beautiful tomorrow
with a beautiful yellow lilly bow
on her hair band
she will smile into my eyes
when she sees her beautiful cake.

This is a supplication of faith
for favour. This is not the work of faith. I have done that too
and still do. My mantras bring
a smile to my face and joy
to my heart even now as my hand
treks beside my mind

For I know the thoughts I have for you
Good thoughts. Nothing is evil
in my heart concerning you.
I wish my words will be enough
to sway you.

He wants to give us a license to love
the life we deserve.
Phillip “Doktuh FEEL” Chukwu

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